
viernes 11, marzo 2016 | 10:20 pm

This is a call to wake people up and search for a national unity around common goals. A while decades ago, El Salvador has dealing with a political competition between two sides (right and left) for reach the power.

The politic polarization has deep rooted in the Salvadoran mindset and how to get away with this scenario it would be possible just through true national agreements.

It is dangerous let some politicians still creating social deference through social networks. That behavior does not deserve the trust of the people.

The political parties, especially the major forces, should focus on the social issues of the country.

Through all these years, there was not, a true opposition with capability to achieve national agreements in themes as security and economy. It is time the political parties change their radical ideas before to damage us.

According to Winston Churchill: If a politician started to think about people as the next generations and not as the next election, he became a statesman. Precisely, El Salvador is far away to make a trustworthy policy for the next generations that allow to build up a peaceful, safe and prosper society.