
Borja Group soccer match
martes 7, julio 2015 | 4:34 pm

Borja Group in order to create a health and harmony work environment, arranged a soccer competition named «Borja Group tournament 2015» with the participation of all its contributors. Around 13 teams divided into men and female categories were playing in the different soccer matches. The winner in male category was Alsasa I team after defeated the final against JBorja Foundation with a score: 4-3.

On the other side, Intelfon and Juguetón female teams arrived to the final, where the Intelfon players won with a score: 2-1.

“I believe in a good work environment. Activities like this, we help us to build up a sense of family between companies and its members got feeling belong a group” said Gonzálo Fernández, Alasa General Manager.

This sport event satisfied the expectation of all the participants, who also enjoyed a day full of activities and energy.