La Fundación Gloria de Kriete y Funipri contribuyeron en la entrega y a mejorar el ambiente navideño en el nosocomio infantil. Lilian Díaz Juguetón en colaboración con la Fundación Gloria...
Outstanding Ahuachapan´s students finished successfully their studies within Oportunidades Saturday Program supported by Gloria de Kriete Foundation and JBorja Foundation. The “Oportinidades” program head office in Ahuachapán receives a special...
Around 33 students were graduating of “Opotunidades” Program sponsored by Gloria de Kriete Foundation and JBorja Foundation. The students received with enthusiasm their High School diplomas, which allow them to...
This is a call to wake people up and search for a national unity around common goals. A while decades ago, El Salvador has dealing with a political competition between...